
"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Late, Dollar Short

1. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the last year?

Um... HAVE A BABY!! Yep, definitely think that wins...

2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?

Anything that was my mom's I guess... not sure I could narrow it down... I love things that make me remember funny stories or specific times with her. I look forward to telling Miss Priss all about her Grandma G...

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you're not sure click here to see a list of possibilities.

I've got to agree with From This Side of the Pond on this one--

-the Epernay Christmas Champagne Market...champagne sipped in France...two of my favorite things

4. you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?

If it's got to be bitterly cold-- then there should be snow! My favorite snow is that which gets me OUT OF SCHOOL! There is nothing so wonderful as seeing your school district name scroll across the TV early in the AM, turning OFF your alarm, and then rolling back over to sleep some more... I do love to just sit and watch it snow. However, when it starts to melt and gets all muddy-- I find that terribly depressing.

5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?

No & no... Tried once, couldn't stop, had to throw myself down on the ground. After someone skiid over my head, I was done. Meet you in the lodge with a tasty beverage by the fire, thanks!

6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?

Well, the Hubby has packed up, moved across the pond, had to adjust to a new country AND being a new dad... He's done a damn good job! It's been a big year, people!
7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.

Currently the living room... I LOVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! I love sitting in the glow of all the Christmas trees (3 big ones, 3 small ones, plus lights on the piano) in the living room. Put White Christmas on the TV and I am in heaven!
8. Insert your own random thought here.

11 Days left of school til break. Yes, teachers countdown too!

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