
"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yakkety Yak-- DON'T COME BACK!!

Just when you think it is safe to get a full night's sleep...


Poor Miss Priss. I have concluded that she is having reactions to her antibiotic. She has taken this numerous times-- but I think this may be it. She has had no appetite, and has randomly thrown up after taking it. Last night she got me first as I rocked her. I, and her beloved Piggy Woo took the brunt of the hit. After getting changed, her cleaned & changed, and Pig in the washing machine-- I put her to bed with me. Bad move, Mom.

Next thing I know-- well, you can imagine. (sigh)

So now I have to relocate Hubby downstairs to sleep in the guest room. Again clean and change myself and Miss Priss. This time strip the bed-- including the cover of the duvet-- reload the washing machine after moving round 1 to the dryer.

At this point, my favorite 2 yr old is wide awake. "I neeeeeed to watch Peppa Pig, Mummy!" So that is what we did... at 2:30am. Well, she watched-- I worked on de-yakking the bedroom. I also went down and cleaned her bed and got it ready for her imminent return. Post-Peppa I got Miss Priss back in bed-- with a slightly damp Piggy Woo (Now Mu and Baby Ellie were in the washing machine for their bath). I managed to calm myself back down, and around 4am fell asleep on the couch.

Hubby woke me when he got up for work a little after 5am-- only to inform me that he has a "dodgy stomach." Great. If he instigates Round 3 tonight, he's on his own! I'm YAKKED OUT!

(Shout out to my teaching pal TG-- she went through a similar 1-3am Yak-a-thon with her daughter-- but also managed to break her toe during the whole shebang. Damn overachiever!) 


Unknown said...

Beat that!!! No wait! Don't! I think your passing out in the bathroom and the blood everywhere gets you lifetime accolades.

S. Dub said...

Thank God-- because that whole header-into-the-wall/toilet-while-pulling-a-glass-jar-over-on-my-head thing was EXHAUSTING! Throw in the kidney stone, and seriously! NO MORE!

Broken toes do suck though... more than people would think.

Mary said...

Good thing we're on break this week! I'm sooo impressed...not only did you blog 2 days in a row, but you also changed your background!
Hope Miss Priss is better, and hubby doesn't catch it.

S. Dub said...

I got mad skillz... during break anyway! ;)

Hubs thinks he had some bad chicken for lunch yesterday possibly... we'll see how he is tomorrow I guess...

I spoke with MP's Dr re: her meds... so hopefully her stomach will get better... sheesh!

I need a vacation from my break!