"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

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Lolcats and funny picturesOff to England tomorrow! CAN'T WAIT!! I am glad I have a direct flight-- just hope my immigration/ customs person is nice than the one last year... sheesh!
Last summer in England Nan and I went for a "jaunt" through the countryside. Specifically we hiked (for MILES) through the Cotswolds. As Nan says, "I think I still have some cotswolds in me pants!" During our adventures we came across a very large, VERY dead badger. His spirit has remained with us (possibly b/c we feared we would be joining him...) Anyway... Matt was working in the region this week. And I said, "You didn't happen to see my friend the dead badger did you?" His reply: "I saw four dead badgers, including a baby. And a dead fox." (Are the cotswolds really in E TN?!!) I digress....So I told Nan... She has decided she and Matt need to write a guide to the cotswolds-- in which she will discuss proper sun protection. (She is still the ONLY person I know who goes to England and gets a sunburn!)This whole new addition to our tale prompted Nan to become a poet:I have written an ode. I call it "Elegy to a Dead Badger, Happened Upon by the Side of the Motorway Whilst on Holiday in the Cotswolds." O badger, dead badger, I sing to thy grace: The grimacing rictus of thy stripe'd face. Thy claws ever clutching T'ward Heavenly space. Thy limbs in their stiffness Of Death's cold embrace. What didst thou, poor badger, to warrant such end, Alone by the roadside, sans lover or friend? Hadst thou been but wary The traffic to 'tend, Thy blood might not into Black asphalt yet blend. -- Alice Mary Stilton-Teacosy** As some of you rememeber, Nan and I came up with British names to use on our journey.So let us all take pause, and remember our friend, Mr. Dead Badger. (and his bretheren that have since joined him along their frolics in the Cotswolds.)
Read So Far in 2009: 1. James & the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl (Yes, this is a school selection) 2. Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell (audiobook) 3. He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo 4. The Treasures of Weatherby by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (school) 5. Unnatural Causes by P.D. James 6. Coraline by Neil Gaiman (school)7. Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? by Bonnie Bader (school)8. Marked by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast 9. Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs (audiobook)10. Horns and Wrinkles by Joseph Helgerson (school)11. Devil Bones by Kathy Reichs (audiobook)12. Burned by Carol Higgins Clard (audiobook)Currently I'm reading: The Anglo-Files: A Field Guide to the British by Sarah Lyall (STILL!)-- I've made more progress, and while I doubt I have it finished by the time I leave on my trip NEXT WEEK-- I do plan to take it with me.Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham-- saw a review for this in Entertainment Weekly-- claimed it was the new Bridget Jones... So I rushed out and bought it. And yes, I see the similarities. I read 118 pages just tonight. As it is basically reading someone's emails, it is a quick read... And as it takes place in England, it helps me brush up on some of their sayings and expressions. :)I have given up on Betrayed by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast for the moment... just can't get into it-- esp as much as the others.Up Next: Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esme Raji Codell-- Justy gave me this to read-- said she had to read it during student teaching and that it is hilarious. It will also make the trek to England with me.During the summer is when I try to catch up on my reading... Of course, I also like to read easy things-- Lots of mindless mysteries-- Carol Higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell, etc. And perhaps you have noticed the increase of audiobooks... This also happens more in the summer-- particularly THIS summer as I am working in the basement etc. I put on audiobooks while I work-- takes my mind off what I am doing and makes the time pass faster. I also use audiobooks when I am on trips-- and as I am about to drive to VA next week-- you can expect some more audiobooks on the list. :)