
"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thanksgiving in February

So I've been slacking... AGAIN!

I was just reading a blog (instead of writing in my own-- let's call it research, shall we?) and came across an interesting idea: a gratitude journal. I'm pretty lousy with paper and pencil journals, but perhaps I can keep up with a gratitude blog... if not everyday, perhaps 2 or 3 times a week...

This person said they were going to list 3 things each entry that they are thankful for... Should be easy, right?

We will give it a shot!

Today I am thankful for:

(1) A healthy, SMART little girl! Maddie is amazing! I swear she learns a new word every day! We have been so blessed with such a wonderful daughter!

(2) Frozen chili-- I was SO not in the mood to cook! So glad last time I made chili I made enough to freeze for just such a day. Makes feeding hubby MUCH easier!

(3) I'm glad hubby introduced me to HP Brown Sauce-- hooray for the English! I love this stuff! Why do we not use it regularly here? My fav thing to put it on is a bacon-egg sandwich... Tonight it's going on my egg on toast.

(2 food items... Hmmmmmm-- Can you tell I am hungry?)


Mary said...

I'm amazed at how big Maddie is getting! She doesn't look like a baby anymore!

S. Dub said...

I know! She is such a little lady now! But still my baby! <3