
"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Book Club 2011, vol. 2

  1. Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen
  2. You Can't Drink All Day if You Don't Start in the Morning by Celia Rivenbark
  3. The English American by Allison Larkin (audiobook
  4. Murder of a Chocolate Covered Cherry by Denise Swenson (audiobook)
  5. Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
  6. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
  7. Ghost Soldier by Elaine Marie Alphin (school)
  8. A Red Herring Without Mustard by Alan Bradley (audiobook)
Currently Reading:


Unbearable Lightness by Portia De Rossi-- So far I like this one. I don't usually read biographies or autobiographies-- but Justy Mac suggested this one for our BOOK CLUB read. I loved Ally McBeal so I am finding it interesting when she discusses what it was like on set, etc. 


Currently Listening:


 I am without an audiobook at the moment! Tragic, I know! I may hit the public library this week for one. Suggestions???


Up Next:


Faithful Place by Tana French-- I think this will be my next audio download from I have listened to the first 2 in this series, and really enjoyed them. 
Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang, Bang by Chelsea Handler may be my next read. Spring Break is coming up week after next-- I will need something fun and easy!

As always-- add me as a friend on Goodreads--


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