
"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy. A motto of the
British Special Air Force is: 'Those who risk, win.' "

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Little Doors

Friday night I met Leigh @ Cancun's for our much needed margarita night-- both of us had stories of recent life events and psychotic episodes to tell... As it was not a school night, we had 2 pitchers instead of 1... wow.

Amongst the tales of recent trips and international texts, we discussed the upcoming holidays. I told Leigh how my stepmother gave us all an advent box this year as part of our gift. So each day (starting tomorrow, I am NOT a cheater!) I will open a door in the box... Leigh mentioned she might do an Advent Blog of sorts... each day in December write about something she is thankful for, etc. Sounds like a good plan to me...

....SO... I am going to do something similar. Some days it may be words of wisdom, or a funny anecdote... some days it may be a link or video... some jewel that has been shared with me and thus should be shared with you....

The last few years I have had trouble finding the Christmas "Spirit"... I am hoping this year will be different. I have already decorated-- I really do love the quiet evenings when the only thing on in my house are the trees. In fact, I slept in the livingroom last night and just enjoyed the quiet and glow.

So we shall see. I don't promise that all "Advent" posts will be Christmas themed-- but I will try to make them worth the anticipation of opening that little door...

ps-- I will also keep you updated on what is in my advent box!

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